Publish Time: 2021-08-05 Origin: Site
Raw ores are feeded into grizzly feeding hopper by excavator and enter into trommel screen,with the operation and scrubbing by the high pressure water in trommel, ores with clays and silts was broken up,big coarse ore was discharged from tails of trommel and fine ore dischaged into jig machine via steel chute or steel pipes.
After rougher and clear concentration of jig machine,grass mat on sluice box catches and collect the usefull ore out of tailings which from jig machine,and concentrates from jig machine was further concenrated by shaking table, magnetic minerals (iron ore,ilmenite ore etc.)on gold concentrates was separated by mangetic separator,then with amalgamation and furnace,the pure gold comes out.
PS:jig machines will be replaced by centrifugal concentrator according to mining condition and customer's requirement.
The basically main machines matching are as below accoring to different mining condition:
a) . Washing trommel+Centrifugal concentrator+Shaking table;
b). Washing trommel+Jig machine(Jigger)+Shaking table;
c). Washing trommel+Sluice box with grass mat(carpet).
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